Internet • Lameness • On 11/5/96 I had the pleasure of receiving this /msg from someone I didn't know on irc in #macfilez: 1:58 PM: *boofus* do you know how to make fake accounts on AOL or do you have one I can borrow?? A tip to all lamers: do NOT ask for AOL accounts or fake account info while on irc. This is beyond lame. Anyone who wants to get on AOL when they obviously already have net access is seriously stupid. #1. Asking someone you don't know to do you a favor is lame, especially when you /msg everyone in the channel. #2. Asking for fake account information on AOL is beyond lame. #3. Asking to borrow an AOL account is worse than #2. You should seriously consider suicide. #4. Repeatedly asking the same question in the channel without any responses should be obvious enough. Either: a. Nobody knows b. Most likely, nobody cares #5. Scrolling the same question is again, about as equal in lameness as #2. #6. Clicking on "Auto Join after Kick" in your Ircle preferences is way up there in lameland, turn it off, and quit doing whatever it was that you were doing in the channel. It is STRONGLY advised to use common sense, just as you would in the real world. Of course, there are people who are complete idiots and deserve to be shot, but for newbies who can PREVENT stupidity...thinking twice before doing things is really helpful. -Freakman • Macintouch • For those of you who don't know about this godly web site, please take the time to check it out NOW. This is THE source for the latest in Macintosh releases, inside info, and general Mac gossip. Updated daily (except weekends)! -Freakman • • For the ultimate source for web search engines, go here. Not only does it have the standard selection of search engines for the web, it has an e-mail search, personal phone number & address search, company search, dictionary and thesaurus, and much more. It's a conglomeration of sevearl websites built into one for your convenience. -Freakman • • offers telnet access shells for unbelievably cheap pricing. Here's an exerpt from their ad: As you may or may not know, has been providing free telnet access shells for the Internet community at large for quite some time. Unfortunately, we have decided to discontinue this free service into the indefinite future. Do not fear, however. There is still a way to get a great and groovy Internet account. For only $5 a month you can have your very own account which includes: email, telnet, ftp, lynx, irc, compiler access, screen, as well as many other features. Furthermore, you may also create a web page on giving you a URL of You will also have access to 5 megs of disk space and access to all the other unique services of (our MUD, IRC server, our famous menu of controversy, and much, much more). The only thing I've noticed is that the domain is banned from SEVERAL EFNet irc servers, which can get very annoying. It seems that the reasoning is for illegal bot use, which is most likely due to the fault of some 600+ free accounts given out to users--several of which were probably used for illegal bots (i.e. eggdrops) on EFNet servers. Part of the problem is that identd isn't installed, so the remaining servers that the domain isn't banned from don't let users connect anyway. Here's a small announcement that users see after login regarding identd: INETD: identd has been conflicting with our SunOS & without paying Sun a lot of money we cannot get the patch to fix identd has been disabled until we can find a solution....think of it this way..if we run identd you'll have access only until the machine crashes...if we don't run it you will have stable access..... There are a few irc servers that accept users, the downfall to servers that accept connections is that these are pretty much "last resort" servers. These split several times in one day. Despite the IRC setbacks, is offering a sweet deal if you're willing to pay $5/month for shell access. Considering they gave away several hundred free accounts, they're doing one helluva job keeping the machines up without many monthly payments from users. For more information, check out their web page: -Freakman